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Free Online Meditation and Breath Workshop for Students with Mani Maa

We invite you to join us for a Free Introduction to Mindfulness, Free Online Meditation Workshop on Sunday, 17th July 2022 from 4 PM to 5 PM IST

In India, a special workshop was organized for teenagers and young children; the classes for youngsters were customized keeping their interests in mind.

Though the online sessions were mainly focused on teaching the exercises, volunteers have also provided additional information and resources for participants so that they can continue to learn at home. Bhawati Dhyan is an antidote to deal with stress.


Takeaway from the Session:

=>Know the Relationship between Emotions & Breath

=>Increase productivity & efficiency

=>Gift yourself with a everlasting & Happier state of mind


Benefits at a Glance

=>Boost Your Immunity with Pranayams & World Renowned Bhawati Dhyan

first time in India

=>Mind Free from Fear & Anxiety

=>Improved Interpersonal Relationship

=>Increase in Concentration & Clarity

=>Enhanced Energy Levels thro' Breathwork



- Fast (dont eat or drink) for a least 30 Mins before the camp. The longer you can fast the better

- Dress in comfortable loose clothing.

- Water bottle

-Get ready to let go and let the true you shine forth


The Orientation Workshop is free of cost. However, prior registration is mandatory.


Register here:






Make sure that you all have installed Google Meets & Zoom cloud App in your device


Reach us on 8329348903 (Whatsapp)
